The industry and the quality standards have improved tremendously. Let us explain. The toner-recycling-industry is currently the fastest growing industry in the world. Hewlett Packard has recently estimated that 60% of all toner cartridges will be recycled. Furthermore till 2012, about 75% of all toner cartridges will be recycled and reused. The quality of remanufactured toner cartridges and subsequent considerable cost savings are now recognized also by the industry. Shortly before his official farewell, former American president Mr. Bush Sr. has introduced another law that “obliges” the public service to buy exclusively remanufactured toner cartridges. Not many other goods have received such kind of a national recognition. But, why many remanufactured toner cartridges did not function in the past and why should someone try them again? There are very good grounds for the recycling-industry to grow so. In the past, when the remanufacture started, lots of people wanted “quick cash”. They saw a chance and used it. Due to the lack of technical training, the quality of the products was limited and there were lots of problems. Additionally, Canon had lots of patents on the technology of printer cartridges and made components. Therefore, one could not replace worn-out parts often. But in the last 20 years, there are lots of patents and contracts that expired. At present, suppliers can produce necessary components. It is often the case that remanufactured components are of higher quality than those of OEM printer manufacturer. Through industry know-how, a close collaboration with customers and lots of experience improved tremendously the quality and efficiency of these components. Additionally to these suppliers, the manufacturers experimented a lot and made an improvement. As a result we got many crucial improvements for the manufacture of ink cartridges. Many of the solutions out of that are currently patented, as well. What does this mean for you? Quite simply, we as a manufacturer have much better manufacture facilities and can thus provide very high-quality. If you have had no experiences or bad ones with remanufactured toners, why not try our products.
Good for you! You have already made the first step and have helped our regional economy and have protected our environment. But, bill paid 10 EUR less does notnecessarily mean 10 EUR saved. Let us explain this. There are two essential components in a toner cartridge that must work perfectly together. OPC (or drum) and the toner. They both must be perfectly coordinated. OPC (or drum) will be lit by the laser beam precisely at the place where toner will be put later. The light gives worn-out printed image again. As life span increasingly deteriorates it affects the drum quality – and the print quality lessens. 10 EUR, that you saved when purchasing a more favorable product, are quickly spent when due to untimely wear out or poor quality image you must replace the product before its life span expiration. The important area of toner and/or toner powder is one more example about the saving by other manufacturer. We fill EP-S cartridge with 275 grams. This means approximately 25 grams more than by most other manufacturers. A toner cartridge consists of two chambers. One chamber contains toner powder for the drum. In the other chamber there is a container for toner residues. They collect the unused and excessive toner powder. Different toner powders are of different qualities. Good quality powder has high transmission rate therefore does not end up in container for residues. We, as TRS develops now in combination with various components, the best possible combination for achieving the high quality, or even to surpass the quality of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Therefore we work closely with our suppliers in order to ensure high quality and to satisfy the needs of our customers. Thus we guarantee that there are no similar products which cost 10 EUR less but to have the same high-quality components. Cheap is not always the best!!
There is a saying: “You cannot repair something unless it breaks”. But what if it can be made better? If you never try anything else, you will never know what the best is. Our customers have relied on us and these are the results: Lots of our customers say that with each cartridge you now have much more prints! Lots of our customers say that our cartridges provide better printed images than previously used cartridges! Try it out. You could only agree!